A picture of me and those like me standing behind the trooper, saying "Good job," "Keep up the good work," not to mention similar-minded Iraquis saying "You're making a difference!"
Gun-related, in the meantime I had heard somewhere about San Francisco, of all places, repealing some sort of gun ban. I'll have to look that one up.
My World Cup team is marching forward! The first WC match I saw was in '86. Watched Argentina and their pansy Diego Maradona daintily dance around the likes of Rudi Völler and Karl-Heinz Ruminegge (sp?), and so, I very much enjoyed the results of their latest match with Argentina, twenty years later.
No "mano de Dios" there, Dicky.
That leaves one South American team left to eliminate: Brazil. Portugal surprisingly beat England, and I hope they give Brazil a good beating next match. It may wind up with Germany and Brazil in the end (giving the team a chance to avenge their 2002 loss), but if Brazil gets beaten before the finals, then one wish of mine for this World Cup will have been fulfilled.
Speaking of matters Argentinian, my other copy of "Godless" came in yesterday. Perfect timing. That morning, my liberal friend said to me, "Germany is going down." However, as you know, teutonic discipline trumped hispanic bravado later that day.
Then, the book came, and I left it on my friend's seat at the dinner table, with a note attached expressing my condolences for Argentina, and offering this book as consolation. The whole table roared with laughter (Emerson & I are famous for going back & forth on conservative vs. liberal issues, sort of a Hannity & Colmes on the farm).
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