Remember all the reloading components I bought a couple of weeks ago? Here's the end result: 20 rounds of .44 magnum in never-fired brass, using Remington Large Pistol primers, 240gr Speer Gold Dot GDHPs, and 19.6gr of Vihta Vuori N110 for the powder charge.

I need to seat the bullets just a little deeper, though. Using the American Eagle 240gr JHP (off to the right) as a point of comparison, the Gold Dots stick out just a fuzz. They load just fine into the Deagle, bolt closes on the entire cartridge, and extracts just fine, but the anal-retentive Teuton in me likes things to be in order.
Once done, I should be getting muzzle velocities of over 1350 fps. That's comparable to the Cor-Bon's I used to shoot through my 9mm. But, of course, those bullets weigh a good 100gr less.
I'll avoid picking on smaller calibers for now...
Going to do a little more .45 blasting in a couple of hours. Next-door neighbor would like to do some shooting.
And you know me...far be it from me that I would turn down something like that. Especially with all the .45 rounds I have to burn.
I prefer reloading my pistol ammo (I shoot 44's and 45 ACP and LC mainly). I have found good hard cast lead semiwadcutters to be good for shooting and a lot cheaper.
I hear you. Unfortunately, both my .45 and my .44 have polygonal rifling, so jacketed bullets are the way to go there--for me, anyway.
What kind of guns? My 45ACP is Springfield, the others are Ruger Blackhawks and a Redhawk, and one lone Taurus 44 special.
HK USP .45 and a Desert Eagle Mk VII .44 mag
Nice guns; my tastes tend to lean more to revolvers, also I have a weakness for SA wheelguns. I used to hunt with a 7 1/2" Super Blackhawk that is still one of my favorites for plinking and backpacking. After over 40 years of shooting 1911's, I have a hard time feeling comfortable with many other types of semi's.
The 44 Mag may not be king anymore, but it's still a great trip down at the range. I love big wheel-guns. They got the look!!!!
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